Dashboard Design
November 20, 2024
3 min read

Make a Fast Food Dashboard with HTML and CSS

Make a Fast Food Dashboard with HTML and CSS

Creating a fast food dashboard with HTML and CSS allows businesses to manage orders, track sales, and enhance user experience efficiently. With a well-structured layout and responsive design, you can build a visually appealing and functional dashboard that meets the needs of a fast-paced food business. check out finance dashboard with HTML and CSS

Why Use HTML and CSS for a Fast Food Dashboard?

HTML and CSS provide the foundational structure and styling for any web-based dashboard. They allow developers to create responsive, user-friendly interfaces without relying on complex frameworks.

Key Features of a Fast Food Dashboard

  • Order Management: Track pending, completed, and ongoing orders with a clean UI.
  • Sales Analytics: Display real-time sales data using structured HTML elements.
  • Navigation Sidebar: Enhance user accessibility with a CSS-styled sidebar.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure smooth adaptability across different devices with CSS media queries.

Building a fast food dashboard with HTML and CSS is a straightforward yet powerful way to create a responsive and user-friendly interface. By leveraging CSS for styling and HTML for structuring, you can design an efficient dashboard for managing fast food business operations.

Steps to Build a Fast Food Dashboard with HTML and CSS

Setting Up the HTML Structure

Begin by structuring the dashboard using HTML elements like <div>, <nav>, and <section>.

Styling with CSS

Use CSS to enhance the appearance of the dashboard.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Fast Food Dashboard</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css" />
<aside class="sidebar">
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width: 32px;
height: 32px;
background: var(--primary);
border-radius: 8px;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
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<li class="nav-item">
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<main class="main-content">
<header class="header">
<h1>Dashboard Overview</h1>
<div class="user-info">
<span>February 21, 2025</span>
<div class="user-avatar">JD</div>
<div class="dashboard-grid">
<div class="card stat-card">
<h3>Today's Orders</h3>
<div class="number">156</div>
<div class="trend">↑ 12% vs yesterday</div>
<div class="card stat-card">
<h3>Total Revenue</h3>
<div class="number">$3,240</div>
<div class="trend">↑ 8% vs yesterday</div>
<div class="card stat-card">
<h3>Average Order Value</h3>
<div class="number">$20.76</div>
<div class="trend negative">↓ 2% vs yesterday</div>
<div class="card stat-card">
<h3>Active Orders</h3>
<div class="number">12</div>
<div class="trend">↑ 4 more than usual</div>
<div class="orders-list">
<div class="orders-header">
<h2>Recent Orders</h2>
<a href="#" class="view-all">View All Orders</a>
<div class="order-item">
<div class="order-info">
<h4>Order #1234</h4>
<p>2x Burger, 1x Fries, 1x Coke</p>
<span class="order-status status-pending">Pending</span>
<div class="order-item">
<div class="order-info">
<h4>Order #1233</h4>
<p>1x Pizza, 2x Wings, 2x Sprite</p>
<span class="order-status status-preparing">Preparing</span>
<div class="order-item">
<div class="order-info">
<h4>Order #1232</h4>
<p>3x Tacos, 1x Nachos, 1x Pepsi</p>
<span class="order-status status-completed">Completed</span>
<div class="orders-header">
<h2>Popular Items</h2>
<a href="#" class="view-all">View Full Menu</a>
<div class="popular-items">
<div class="menu-item">
<img src="./images/burger.jpg" alt="Burger" />
<div class="menu-item-info">
<h4>Classic Burger</h4>
Juicy beef patty with fresh lettuce, tomatoes, and our special
<div class="menu-item-footer">
<span class="price">$8.99</span>
<span class="rating">★ 4.8 (120)</span>
<div class="menu-item">
<img src="./images/pizza.jpg" alt="Pizza" />
<div class="menu-item-info">
<h4>Pepperoni Pizza</h4>
<p>Classic pizza with extra cheese and premium pepperoni slices</p>
<div class="menu-item-footer">
<span class="price">$12.99</span>
<span class="rating">★ 4.9 (248)</span>
<div class="menu-item">
<img src="./images/wings.jpg" alt="Wings" />
<div class="menu-item-info">
Crispy wings tossed in spicy buffalo sauce with blue cheese dip
<div class="menu-item-footer">
<span class="price">$10.99</span>
<span class="rating">★ 4.7 (186)</span>
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Web Developer and Content Creator

fast food dashboardresponsive UIfood dashboard templatehtml and css